Aboriginal Cultural Education & Training

Together Larry and Robynne are specialists in their field, with over 50 years’ experience in the development and delivery of Aboriginal Cultural Education and Training.
Larry started providing Cultural Camps for Victoria Police 20+ years ago, and these evolved into Culcha Camps under the banner of Mulana Kaalinya Consulting Services in May 2017.
Robynne has been providing Aboriginal Cultural Education, with a focus on Cultural Competency Training, to a range of agencies, government departments and groups across Victoria since 1998, having trained well over 50,000 people in that time.

Our Aboriginal Cultural Education Services

Cultural Competency Training: Full Day with Robynne Nelson
Cultural Competency Training
Together Larry and Robynne have over 50 years’ experience in the development and delivery of AboriginalCultural Competency training and Cultural Camps and are specialists in this field.
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Culcha Camps
Culcha Camps
Our Culcha Camps specialise in providing a blended learning experience, both in the classroom, and spilling out into the stunning Barmah National Park on the banks of the Murray River.
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Best of Both Worlds
Best of Both Worlds
The Best of Both Worlds provides a unique experience all on the one day.
This is a laid back day, providing a culturally safe environment for open yarning, asking questions, talking about issues and building on your cultural understanding.
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Half Day Zoom Training
Half Day Zoom Training
Where time is more limited, half day training may be provided via Zoom and tailormade according to the individual needs of agencies and services. E.g. specifically tailored training to support GP trainees to meet their RACGP cultural assessment requirements. Of course, short zoom classes should not replace the important face to face form of education which provides greater time, education, interaction and opportunity for yarning.
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Online Training
Online Training
Online learning management system for anyone wanting to access a quality online learning experience with sessions that are interactive, accessible and relevant. The package is health focussed, however has key learnings for working in service delivery across all sectors.
Aboriginal Cultural Competency is a continuum and we are all at some point along that continuum depending on the level of professional experience, knowledge, values, beliefs and life experience we may have in our lives. Even Aboriginal people are at different points along that continuum depending on their opportunities for living and learning in their Aboriginal communities and families.
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